2021 Yearbook

Due to the success of our inaugural Yearbook in 2019, we are looking to do one for the 2021 season.

It is a huge task and for it to happen we will need the help of our teams and parents.

Inside the book will be every team photo, match day pics, sponsors info, trophy winners, league representatives, grand final write ups and this year we will look to add a season summary from every team.

The best way to do this is get together among your team and appoint one person who can co-ordinate the information we need on your team’s behalf.

Season Summary: Can be done by a parent, TM or the coach.  No more than 250 words, can be in the body of an email or in Word format, spell checked and emailed to footballoperations@okjfc.com.au

Team Match Day Photos: With 20 teams it was a huge effort to get pics sorted.  This year we need a responsible person from each team to collect the ten (10) best match day pics and send them all together to president@okjfc.com.au.  EVERY photo must be named with the following convention – [Team Age Group/Colour/Coach/pic number].  Under13bluesmith1, Under13bluesmith2, Under13bluesmith3, etc, etc.

Photo hint – the bes tpics are those that are relatively close up, a mobile phone pic trying to capture action from the middle of the ground probably wont look that great.

Milestones: Please provide these separately to match day pics, among with some information or us on who the player(s) are.

Trophy Winners: We will source this info.

The deadline will be early to mid September.  We will put a post up in our Facebook group as a reminder.

To help us, those teams not playing in finals can you please get your coaches summary and pictures to us once the H&A season is complete for you.

If you have any questions please email admin@okjfc.com.au

A low resolution version of our Inaugural 2019 Officer Kangaroos JFC Yearbook is available below.

OKJFC Yearbook_2019_LR for web